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Lombok Island And It's Story

Lombok Island is the one of the thousands of island located in the Eastern of Indonesia, the Island in NUSA TENGGARA which is adjacent to Bali island in the west and the Sumbawa island in the east, It is Shaped Round with is such "tail" side of southwest. According to Wikipedia the Area Of the Lombok island reached 5.435 KM2 is ranked 108th in the world largest island.The province of the island of Lombok is West Nusa Tenggara and has 4 regencies those are : West Lombok, East Lombok, North Lombok and Central Lombok and Mataram City has Become the Main City of this island

According to Babad Lombok, the oldest kingdom in once powerful government was Laeq Kingdom (in sasakist laeq means past tense), but other sources of Babad Suwung that is history, stating that the oldest kingdom in Lombok island is Suwung Kingdom, Government developed and led by King Betara Indra, and then subside and be replaced by the Lombok Kingdom, In the 9th century to the 11th century who stood Sasak Kingdom then defeated by a Kingdom came from Bali at the time. Several other governments that had once stood on the island of Lombok, among others : Pejanggik, Langko, Samarkaton,Bayan,Sokong,Selaparang .

Selaparang government itself which appears in two periods in the 13th century and the 16th century. Selaparang government first Hindu kingdom and his power ended with the advent of the expedition of Majapahit Kingdom in the year 1357. The second Selaparang Government of the Islamic empire and power ended in 1744 after conquered by the combined forces of Kingdom Karangasem from Bali and forces of Arya Banjar Getas the man who betrayed the family because the problems with the king Selaparang

The occupation of the KarangAsem kingdom raises a strong influence of Bali culture on the west side of Lombok island as in dance and heritage buildings (eg Castle Cakranegara in Ampenan).Only later in the year 1894 Lombok free from interference due to the influence of Karangasem. Batavia (Dutch East Indies) that goes for the transgression of Sasak people invited them to come. However, Lombok island and then under the dominion power of the Dutch East Indies directly.

The inclusion Japan in 1942 makes automatic Lombok was under Japanese occupation government control of the east. After World War II Lombok was under the State of East Indonesia, before then in 1950 joined the Republic of Indonesia.

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