Very Intresting..

Coral Beach Pizza Cottege in Gili Trawangan - Cheap Resort For The Backpacker

For the backpacker who wants to stay in Gili Trawangan island while visit Lombok Islands, This Cottage could be a reference for those of you who want affordable accommodation in "paradise" Gili islands, The resort with the traditional building concept making you like to stay at the home native people.

Gili trawangan resort

Gili trawangan resort

Gili trawangan resort

Gili trawangan resort

You do not have to worry with panoramic Gili Islands, Coral Beach Pizza Cottege is always present the beauty of sunset and waves, from the terrace of cottege where you stay you can see the ocean, all you can get with very inexpensive price for only 30-48 usd per night

Coral Beach Pizza Cottege can take an hour's drive from Lombok International Airport, bicycle rentals are also available if you want to get around the island of Gili Trawangan

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