Very Intresting..

Malimbu Lombok - Capture the Sunset

heard the name "Malimbu", reminds us of the Malibu USA, differing only additional letters M, whoever makes the name of this beach is a bit similar to the Malibu,however, the beauty of Malimbu can align with the beaches in Lombok, Senggigi beach even though.

Malimbu beach

Malimbu beach


Malimbu is an area with a beautiful beach which is very unusual, located 7 Km in north of Senggigi,Desa Malaka, Kecamatan Pemenang, Lombok Utara that can be reached by public transportation or rental.

The interesting thing is the panoramic of Gili Islands and sunset seen from hill Malimbu. from the Hill we can also see Malimbu beach where the water is fairly calm, Many activities do on this beach, either just sunbathing on the beach, swimming freely in a calm sea, or snorkeling to see which clear view of the underwater sea life creatures are adorable. Do not stop there, this beach also offers canoe trips along the sea. Canoes are rented at the rate set is quite affordable at around 10,000 full. As for leased tires for visitors which want to swim with a rental rate of about Rp. 5000.

Visit Lombok Island, you will not stop chuckle admiringly .......

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