Very Intresting..

Mekaki Beach - Sekotong - West Lombok Tourism

My curiosity with Sekotong area, making me search a variety of information about tourism Spot in Sekotong, mekaki Beach is one of them, a beach that is hidden behind the hills in the west Sekotong has a beautiful panorama as the general characteristics of the beaches on Lombok island,

To get to the beach that is located in WISATA ALAM PELANGAN, we have to use a personal vehicle or rent a Car, because of difficult access make the public transportation almost nothing.


This arch-shaped beach has white sand so clean, and beautiful shells found along the the beach adds to the beauty of this beach decorations. Surrounded by green hills that make this beach look more fascinating. A view somewhat similar to Mawun beach, the different is its big wave, Shells and sand texture.





Unfortunately this beautiful beach is less promoted so it has low visitors and does not have public facilities. But according to the information from local residents that Makiki beach has been bought by investors. It was unclear from the Local  investor or other country. well hopefully this beach can be utilized more leverage to be one tourism destination in Lombok isaland.

Let's Go To Lombok Island

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